Oooorder of the Phoenix!! This one is my favorite (I may have mentioned). A lot of people seem to feel like this one is too angsty; that Harry whines and then rages too much, that it's too dark, or whatever.
That may be true, but in my fairly extensive experience of teenagers, ALL 15-year-olds are angsty and whiny and rage-y. Especially when they have some serious PTSD from the utter LACK of true adult supervision at their school and the fact that their surrogate mother/aunt NEVER HUGGED THEM. Petunia, you are awful. Remember my last, indeed.
I have like 20+ notes on this, so I may have to just resort to bullet points.
- Even though Harry's a bit of a prat here (lookit me, using English slang like a prefect!), he continually re-evaluates and tries to be honest with himself. This makes him a FAR better teenager than I was - based solely on how I remember nothing but feeeeeeeeelings from about age 13 to 19.
- Hermione and Ron are Good and Loyal Friends, and it is great how they aren't afraid to tell Harry when he's taking shit out on them. Harry, in turn, throws a little inward fit but does try to be better.
- I'm always surprised by Hermione's insights in this book. She's growing up to be quite the intuitive young lady, which is rare for someone as book-smart as she is. Hermione's a catch, is what I'm saying.
- HOW GREAT is all the dark magic stuff in the pre-Hogwart's chapters?
- Molly and the boggart.