This is the tale of a teenaged girl who fell in love with
books with dragons on the covers. One day, after having finished everything
Melanie Rawn had written and also having been enraged about the ending of The Ruins of Ambrai, someone handed her
a 500+ page mass-market paperback that said “Volume 1” on the spine.
Roughly four thousand pages later, she emerged from book
six, blinked a bit, and groped around blindly for book seven.
But alas, book seven had yet to be published! And, as it
happens, neither had books eight through twelve fourteen. On
that day in a sunny bedroom in Alaska in a room with a
strange-if-you’re-not-a-teen mixture of kittens and pop stars on the walls, she
vowed that she would not read another word of the Wheel of Time series until it
was finished, because Robert Jordan would probably die before the damn thing
was done.
And thus it was with sorrow but also a small degree of
I love me some epic fantasy, is what I’m trying to say. For
years it was the brain candy I used to take my mind off of studying, or in
between stints worshipping at the feet of Anthony Trollope or Edith Wharton.
These days, most of my book recommendations come from the other book blogs I
read, and it’s safe to say that there are not a lot of dragons flying around
the covers of their books.
My friend Jeremy also loves fantasy and sci-fi, and since we
occasionally share a brain, he suggested I read The Way of Kings. What he neglected to tell me was that this is the
first book of a series of ten, and that only this one has been published so
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You’d think the guy who was commissioned to write the end of Wheel of Time would
be a little leery of planning at 10,000+ page series, wouldn’t you? BUT NO. He cares not for fate and her wily ways.
Anywhatsis, if you like this kind of thing – that is, epic,
world-building stories that could reasonably be used as weights and take a
torturously long time to get written and published – this is pretty close to as
good as it gets.
8.5 of 11 Glowy Rocks to be Used as Currency